Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Busy bee!

It's been chaos around my house lately. I started a new job with a major defense contractor in July, my mom and sister came into town for Miss B's 2nd birthday and this week we have Joe's parents. So needless to say it's been a little busy around my house lately. I need to post some new pictures of the curtain climber...she's getting so big it's amazing. I went through some her clothes the other day..and I got a little baby fever. I go back and forth being ready for number two, I really liked being pregnant after the 4 months of horrendous morning (wait...it was all day/night) sickness, and she was such a good baby, she slept through the night at around 8 weeks and for the most part was so happy. Makes me wonder if I would be so lucky with number two...and she is easy now. Completely out of diapers and loves her school, so why fix a good thing, but even if we got pregnant within the next 6 mos they would be about 3 years apart which I think would be perfect cause my sister and I are 5 years apart and I almost think that was too far apart. So here is my dilemma...how many years apart is too many and how much harder is it with two kids vs. one.